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Meet the hedgehogs
Our hedgehogs and where they came from

Date Admitted:
25 July 2022
Weight (gm):
When I was a tiny hoglet I lost my family and I could not look after myself. I was found and taken to Prickly Pigs Hedgehog Rescue where they became my hedgehog mummy. I loved to snuggle up to a little teddy I was given but I was still lonely on my own so I was very carefully put with another hedgehog and her hoglets. They became my new family and I lived with them until I was big enough to look after myself and go back into the wild.
In 2010 hedgehogs were put on The Red List for British Mammals and are now classed as 'vulnerable to extinction'.
Did you know?
You can support Prickly Pigs and the work we do by adopting a hedgehog. The money goes directly to support hedgehog care. Click on the picture below to sponsor.
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